Welcome to Raised Vibes
Looking for a holistic approach to wellness? Our team of experts provides custom solutions that cater to your unique goals and needs. Whether you're looking for detox, microbiome restoration, or emotion coaching, we've got you covered. Our experienced practitioners will work with you to identify the root cause of your health issues and develop a personalized plan for optimal health. Don't wait to take charge of your wellbeing - reach out to us today and let's start your journey to wellness together.ARTICLES
Tryptophan: The Essential Amino Acid for Mood, Sleep, and Brain Health
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that plays a crucial role in various biological processes, particularly in the production of key neurotransmitters and hormones. Since the body cannot synthesize it, tryptophan must be obtained through diet. For those following a raw vegan lifestyle, it is important to consume tryptophan-rich foods to ensure optimal brain function, mood regulation, and sleep quality.
Human Behavioral Patterns: Unraveling Our Inner Scripts
Human beings are creatures of habit. We develop patterns of behavior, often unconsciously, that shape our relationships, work lives, and overall well-being. Understanding these patterns is the first step toward positive change!
Approval Seaking - People-Pleasing, Avoidance or Emotional Withdrawal, Self-Criticism, Passive Aggression, Overthinking - Analysis Paralysis, Codependency and Lack of Self-Control.
The Power of Spirulina: A Vegan Superfood
Spirulina is emerging as one of the most celebrated superfoods today, and for good reason. This blue-green algae is packed with essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. For those embracing a raw vegan lifestyle, spirulina is an excellent addition that boosts nutritional value and supports overall wellness.
What is Spirulina? Spirulina, a type of cyanobacteria often
Human Behavioral Patterns: Unraveling Our Inner Scripts
Human beings are creatures of habit. We develop patterns of behavior, often unconsciously, that shape our relationships, work lives, and overall well-being. Understanding these patterns is the first step toward positive change!
Approval Seaking - People-Pleasing, Avoidance or Emotional Withdrawal, Self-Criticism, Passive Aggression, Overthinking - Analysis Paralysis, Codependency and Lack of Self-Control.
Tryptophan: The Essential Amino Acid for Mood, Sleep, and Brain Health
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that plays a crucial role in various biological processes, particularly in the production of key neurotransmitters and hormones. Since the body cannot synthesize it, tryptophan must be obtained through diet. For those following a raw vegan lifestyle, it is important to consume tryptophan-rich foods to ensure optimal brain function, mood regulation, and sleep quality.
The Power of Spirulina: A Vegan Superfood
Spirulina is emerging as one of the most celebrated superfoods today, and for good reason. This blue-green algae is packed with essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. For those embracing a raw vegan lifestyle, spirulina is an excellent addition that boosts nutritional value and supports overall wellness.
What is Spirulina? Spirulina, a type of cyanobacteria often

Promoting and supporting organic farming, products, whole foods and complete nutrients.
Our community of like minded producers, customers, holistic travelers, creating a common consciousness.
Creating harmony and congruency towards our ecological, physical and mental health.
Removal of all that no longer serves us.
Connecting to our inner beings, finding serenity, making and holding space, confirming our true purpose.
Fair Trade
Decent and just return on invested time, effort and resources, for all stakeholders.