Keep Grounded With These Herbs

June 30, 2020
Keep Grounded With These Herbs

In the current state of fear due to over-stimulation and information overload, loss of faith in our systems and society, we spend time in our heads. The news, mostly bad, can cause those not prone to worrying, to be in a state of high anxiety.

Using grounding substances and mindful practices brings us out of our heads and into the moment. When we focus and pay attention to our surroundings, we break from the list-making and worrying. Using these grounding herbs can really help reset and clear our thoughts.

Holy Basil

Holy Basil is part of the mint family and is a gentle and powerful medicine. It is a powerful remedy for anxiety and depression and the frequent combination of both. Helps clear mental fog bringing clarity and we need clarity in these strange times and is fantastic to improve your mood while making decisions. During times of high anxiety and uncertainty, many find it hard to make even the simplest of choices, such as what to make for dinner, or what to tackle next.


Damiana is known as an aphrodisiac and it's also a grounding warming herb. Damiana brings calm and energy to the GI tract and is uplifting to the spirit and stimulates circulation to the pelvic area. Damiana moves us out of our heads and into the moment. When we are overwhelmed with the pain of worry and the worries of the world, we forget to experience happiness and joyfulness, which causes us to become apathetic. Apathy is a defense against despair and fear. When we cease to care, we feel less. Damiana is an antidote to this lack of caring and apathy.


Lavender is an all-time favorite herb for difficult times as it calms the nervous system and helps ground the body and senses during highly stressful times. Add the essential oil to a carrier oil such as coconut  or grape seed, dab on your temples or on your collar bone. You can also add a few drops to your bath or make a herb pillow to put under your pillow. 


Sage is wonderful for grounding during these difficult days. Sage brings our senses into the moment, helping thoughts to unclutter and easing mental fog and bringing focus. Sage brings us into being present and aware, managing to calm down feelings of overwhelm and stimulation. Fill a jar with the leaves, flowers and cover with brandy or whiskey and honey. Add more honey or agave if you need more sweetness.

You can smudge sustainably harvested sage and use the smoke to clear your space. This works well for transitioning from work, social time or to sleep. Sage is also used to cook with in stews, on fish, or with pasta, and as the tradition goes in a stuffing.