Herbs for Hormonal Balance

Herbs contain potent compounds that can assist with hormonal issues. Because let's face it when your hormones are unbalanced, it can affect your energy levels, it can affect your sex life, it can cause anxiety and reak havoc in most other areas of your life as well.
Here is a list of some herbals that can help bring hormonal balance:
Ashwagandha is an amazing herb for hormonal balancing. It has been used through centuries for a variety of dis-eases, to reduce levels of stress and cortisol. Cortisol causes high blood sugar, aging, and abdominal fat.
Avena Sativa
Oatmeal or Avena Sativa should be part of your daily routine already. It boosts your mood, helps to ease stress, and enhances your sex life. Raw oats soaked overnight in water or nut milk is also a great addition to smoothies.
Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh mimics estrogen. If you suffer from PMS, painful menstruation, menopause or osteoporosis, Black Cohosh could be helpful.
Chasteberry is from the mint family. The plant increases luteinizing hormone release. This can help ease the symptoms of PMS, menstrual cramps, regulate your cycle, and lessen endometriosis.
Catuaba Bark
Catuaba Bark is an aphrodisiac for both sexes. It can put you in a better mood especially during PMS by balancing your hormones. Catuaba could even prevent oxidation damage to your brain.
HRT can come with potential risks. Epimedium brings a natural balance to hormones in women with PMS or when going through menopause. Using Epimedium is really worthwhile, especially for estrogen balance.
Maca Root
Maca is a well-known supplement for hormonal support because it raises estrogen. Women also use it to ease the side effects of PMS as it balances out the estrogen during their cycle.
Rhodiola Rosea
This herb alleviates stress, building a stronger immune system.
Supplement using Rhodiola Rosea to keep your cortisol levels lower. By decreasing the production of cortisol, you will have less anxiety and sleep well.
Red Clover
For menopause, Red Clover is a fantastic supplement. It has many uses and Red Clover treats some of the most unpleasant menopause effects. Red Clover lowers hot flashes and also eases anxiety and depression.