Interview w/ Rocky Adams

Human crush alert, creative crush alert!
I’ve been following Rocky Adams on Facebook ever since some mutual friends introduced us and told me about his philosophy for Love and I have had the pleasure of speaking with Rocky several times over the last year while sharing nutrition advice and receiving Love and Life energy, philosophy, and some great book recommendations.
Rocky's journey into life coaching, wellness and helping others to self-love is the best self-medication and so important in any healing journey. He has a beautiful balance of masculine and feminine energy and offers his wisdom, love, and support to all the lives he touches, but what impressed me most was his honesty and realness. He’s rad.
I’m thrilled to share his interview, I hope you enjoy it and his wisdom.
1) Hi Rocky! Tell us about you. How do you define yourself? What is your favorite quality in yourself?
Loving is my favorite quality and I am very committed to being a very positive force in the world. I have known since I was a little kid that I am a very strong lover of people. I have a very strong warrior and it has been the path to bring that out in myself. I am a very hard worker and physically strong and I had to go through a lot of trials over time to bring that out.
2) Do you have any morning rituals? What is the first thing you do when you rise?
The first thing I do is my morning is meditation which takes me 4 1/2 minutes, then I immediately make the bed, then I journal, and then I get into whatever the day has in store for me.
3) What is your philosophy on food and nourishment?
I think that everything is energy and we are energy filters, so whatever you put into yourself is going to get filtered. I believe that managing your energy is equally as important as eating healthy. We know ourselves better than doctors do and we need to be in touch with our bodies, and that means being aware of how specific things make us feel. I think that protecting your energy is also essential because it results in an improved quality of life.
4) Quality of food is very important and so is quality of mind. How do you feed your mind?
When feeding your mind it's very important to surround yourself with things that you Love. I surround myself with many positive anchors, I look around and see signs I put up in my home, which I read all the time. I also surround myself with the right humans, I listen to podcasts all the time as well as being surrounded with things I love like my dog Meishka.
I also do mindfulness check-ins, two daily meditations, alarms every two hours to remind myself to check-in, morning and evening journaling, sometimes mirror work, visualizations, breath work and lots of supplemental stuff in between that I recognize and go with.
5) What does a typical day of work/life look like for you?
Work is me studying my trade every day with no exceptions, podcasts, reading, seminars, webinars, books. Creating content is a big part of my day, working with clients on coaching calls along with sporadic volunteer work. I am also planning to teach my program to 9th and 10th graders this year.
6) Is there a main message you are working to bring to life with your work?
The main message is empowering people by connecting them with truth, which is Love.
The more you can see the world through a lens of love the more you can observe the world as feedback… the more you can see things as feedback the better able you can disassociate people from their behavior (just because the behavior is bad, does not mean the person is bad). Recognition that people are not attacking you keeps you more in a state of peace as you don't take things personally.
7) What does self-care look like while running your business?
Rule of thumb my job empowers me and gives me strength.. just doing my job is self-care and I feel like I get paid to be me, Rocky Adams. Sure, I am conscious of not taking on other peoples energy while offering them Love and empowerment.
8) What are you excited about? Both personally and professionally?
I am excited to have a bigger impact on a larger scale with more people. I am really excited about getting into schools and eventually having my own school.
I am excited to take my message into inner cities to kids who might not otherwise be able to get this attention.
9) What advice would you share with anyone wanting to empower them to feel strong and confident?
The more conscious you become the less your on autopilot. Conscious is like peeling back layers of an onion, getting closer and closer to your truth and eliminating more and more energy leaks. We eliminate energy leaks through becoming more aligned, consistent aligned action reveals more alignment with self. To be aligned you have to first know yourself.
This takes a very high level of vulnerability which many people are afraid of. It can be scary or extremely uncomfortable to look in the mirror and admit that all of your obstacles that you ever had were put there by you!
Rocky Adams on Facebook