Lets All Be In The 1%

I want to talk about the 1% rule that many inspirational speakers and coaches discuss; the rule is to be consistently working on yourself, your goals, your dreams, your health, or whatever is important to you. It's in the doing of little things every single day, taking some action over and over again, even if it's baby steps.
It requires making consistent progress each day, and then those steps and progress will actually change your trajectory in these areas.
So this blog will appeal to my multi-taskers and to people who say they don't have time to do everything in a day.
Each day, I have a morning routine; I get up, make my bed, drink lemon water, and go for a walk to the sea or ocean is preferable. When I arrive at the ocean, I sit down on the sand and meditate. Ok, so you're saying so what... where is all this going?
I drink lemon water to clean out my gut, I start my day moving and exercising by walking, I sit down on the sand and do earthing, I meditate, I am in the sun and getting vitamin D3 and then I walk again.
So in this one hour, I am accomplishing seven different tasks, and here is some information and studies to show you why you might want to adopt a morning routine or even just include some of these fundamental health techniques.
Making The Bed - Some of you might have heard of the book "Make Your Bed" by Admiral William H. McRaven, which lists his 10 life lessons and the #1 life lesson is to make your bed. This begins each day with an accomplishment not to mention that you are starting each morning with purpose and confidence.
Lemon Water - There are many benefits of lemon water in the morning, you not only hydrate and break your nightlong fast but it is also a good source of vitamin C, it aids digestion and improves skin quality.
Walking - Move that lymph, there is irrefutable evidence of the effectiveness of regular physical activity in the prevention of chronic diseases and premature death.
Meditation - There are multiple studies about the health benefits of meditation helping to reduce stress, control anxiety, improve your self-image as well as giving you a more positive outlook on life. But did you know that meditation is good for age-related memory loss and can increase your attention span.
Earthing or Grounding - The Earth is an electrical planet, and you are an electrical being. Your body functions electrically, your nervous system and heart are excellent illustrations of this. Earthing or grounding helps to restore your body at the deepest levels. The pure act of walking barefoot or sitting on the earth can be good for inflammation.
Negative Ions - Have you ever stopped to consider why you feel so good when taking a walk in the woods? Negative ions are abundant in nature you will find negative ions in natural clean air, near the ocean, a lake or a waterfall. They are also plentiful in the mountains or the woods. They can neutralize free radicals and calm your nervous system, so get out in nature today.
"Negative air ionization was associated with lower depression scores particularly at the highest exposure level."
Vitamin D - Vitamin D2 and D3 are fat-soluble vitamins that are important for calcium absorption and immune system health. Vitamin D2 comes from mushrooms and fungus, while D3 is produced when your skin is exposed to sunlight.
"Vitamin D3, given singly, reduced all-cause mortality significantly by 11%."
People make time for what is important to them and what is more important than your health? Why not start implementing some new healthy eating habits, morning rituals, and routines. Namaste!