Quitting Smoking

Did you know that Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States? According to the data from the CDC, roughly 24% of all cancer deaths occur from lung cancer.
There are two types of lung cancer, one is known as small-cell, which can spread rapidly and is mainly found in people who smoke. The second is known as nonsmall-cell cancer, which is squamous cell or adenocarcinoma, which does not spread as rapidly.
So what can you do to prevent lung cancer, well, of course, stop smoking, (this includes cigars) as that contributes to cancer throughout the body. It has been stated that two-thirds of people who smoke want to quit!
*Stay away from second-hand smoke.
*Avoid radon as it has been shown to cause lung cancer.
*Avoid exposure to asbestos (found in mines, mills & textile plants, insulation, and some cosmetics like talc, eye shadow, and lip gloss ladies).
*Stay away from diesel exhaust.
*Arsenic in drinking water.
*E-cigarettes (listed on the American Cancer Society website).
Helpful Strategies, Herbals & Ideas-
There is an app called quitSTART, it is a free smartphone app that helps you quit smoking with tailored tips, inspiration, and challenges.
Of course, prevention is the best medicine in all of this, so eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables, get active and exercise, and move your lymphatic system.
Gonna Get Nerdy Alert-
Catarrh is a collection of mucus and epithelial cells that form on the mucus membranes anyplace in the respiratory and digestive systems. Although mucus in our body serves a purpose, to help move toxins and pathogens away from the area.
Anticatarrhals are herbs that can break down and expel excess mucus conditions. Anticatarrhal can have two different actions themselves. They may stop the flow of mucus or aid in producing a more viscous (thinner) mucous.
Taking Medicinal Herbs-
Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) which is a known remedy for respiratory difficulties including asthma, tuberculosis, and pneumonia; helping to expel any pathogens that have been trapped.
Lungwort (Lungwort Pulmonaria ) can thin out phlegm, making it easier for you to breathe and has been shown to help fight bacteria that exist in the body and increase the function of the immune system.
Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium) has an abundance of uses in the herbal world, and one of them is as an anticatarrhal. This means that Yarrow assists in reducing mucous accumulation in the body by helping to break up and expel chronic mucous from the lungs.
If you need support in quitting or in detoxification please reach out to us, we're friendly and our mission is to serve.
Practical Herbalism by Philip Fritchey
The Modern Herbal Dispensatory by Easley & Horne