Mullein (Figwort) For Dry Coughs

Mullein is found in both Europe and Asia and was introduced to North America hundreds of years ago and has wide distribution. Mullein grows nearly everywhere and often one of the first herbs to be identified and studied by herbalists.
The active components of Mullein are the saponins (a class of chemical compounds found in particular abundance in various plant species), the mucilage- soothing and anti-inflammatory flavonoids, anti-inflammatory, and tannins -astringent. It also contains verbascoside, which has antiseptic, anti-tumor, and immunosuppressant activity.
Due to its widespread availability, Mullein's benefits have been embraced by cultures all over the world, for many uses and ailments. Mullein has been largely recognized to treat afflictions of the ears, nose, and throat as well as acute and chronic respiratory issues like asthma, respiratory infection, and pneumonia.
Mullein leaf is a gentle demulcent for the lungs, and helps to ease congestion associated with dry, wracking coughs. Mullein acts as a mild lung sedative and can help during spasmodic coughing related to asthma. Mullein also combines well with respiratory herbs, and is a must have in respiratory formulas
Mullein is good for improving dry, atrophic conditions in the body, moistening and lubricating the lungs as well as the other membranes of the body. It's effective for back injuries improving the synovial fluid in the joints and assisting with lubricating the spine and joints, making them more pliable, reducing the symptoms of pain and inflammation.
Mullein leaves are beneficial for the skin and can also be used as a compress for external hemorrhoids, cold sores and skin wounds. Prepare a tea with a commercial tea bag and the dried herb. Cool the steeped liquid and apply directly to the wound site. Some use the large leaves as a compress. The leaves can be steeped gently, and then when cool, applied directly on to a bruise. This reduces inflammation and pain. An easier way is to purchase a cream, tincture, supplement or tea and use as directed.