Coconut oil is one of the most popular carrier oils used to dilute essential oils. Coconut oil is full of natural antioxidants and is a good anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial oil. It is great for...

Clive 12/13/2019  | 

Lion’s Mane has been the focus of studies examining the medicinal properties of its bioactive compounds and its benefits.

In a double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial, Lion’s Mane consumption was seen to improve brain power scores in...

Patricia 12/11/2019

Yoga has been shown to reduce stress, increase flexibility, improve muscle tone & strength, improve posture and even help people lose weight. The word Yoga literally means “Union” the union of the self and the spirit...

Patricia 12/11/2019

According to a study by Harvard University, the average working person is exposed to over 100 chemicals before they even get to work in the morning.  Many of these harmful chemicals show up in cosmetics...

Patricia 12/11/2019

The various types of sugar are derived from different sources and this can be a somewhat confusing topic as we hear so much about the benefits as well as the harm of consuming sugar. Simple sugars...

Patricia 12/27/2019  | 

The idea of rebounding has been around for a long time, but it gained notoriety in a 1980 study that NASA published in the Journal of Applied Physiology. NASA studied the benefits of rebounding in hopes...

Raised Vibes 12/10/2019

The immune system is needed to protect us to be capable of fighting off any illness, bacteria, infection, viruses. Foreign threats to our systems will be battled here, so assistance from the following herbs and...

Raised Vibes 12/10/2019

Pineapples are one of the only members of the bromeliad family that actually produces fruit. It’s incredible health benefits include boosting immunity with high levels of vitamin C, along with high levels of manganese which...

Raised Vibes 12/11/2019

Reflexology is the utilization of appropriate pressure to particular points and areas on the feet, hands, or ears. Reflexologists believe that these reflex points correspond to various body organs and systems and that pressing them...

Patricia 12/10/2019